Friday, June 10, 2011

Checkout Day

It's been a crazy few weeks. Several days ago we dealt with the splitting up of the rookie group, sending half of us down to the south office in Canon City, the other half staying here. That was tougher than anticipated. We've spent the last month together growing tight, living side by side in the parking lot, sharing life together, then they tell us we have to split up. Brutal. Anyway, I landed here at the north office which was my first choice (along with everyone else's.. which is why we had to draw from a hat), and today I will be given the opportunity to check out on Browns Canyon with a commercial group. If I do good, I start guiding, if not, I go to the bottom of the check out list... makes for a bit of a nervous situation. Pray for my customers' safety, and their confidence in my ability.

The river is at 3,100cfs today, as compared to 3,700 just two days ago. For a look at what I might be seeing today, check out this link to some youtube videos ( The cfs on the videos varies, and with every move in cfs, drastic changes in the river are also to be expected.

Yesterday I feel I re-gained my 'chi'... I had a couple rough days getting dominated by the river, just feeling like every rapid was out to get me. It's as if with every bad line ran, the balance of respect vs. fear for the river was shifting weight over to the fear side. As I've grown to learn with all types of water, to operate successfully on the river requires a fearful respect where a balance between the two is realized. Yesterday I was on a boat with five other rookies @ 3,500cfs and we had no problem with any of the rapids... leaves a good taste in a pending guides mouth. The next step is growing that respect to a level of confidence where I can safely deliver a good time to 6 & 60 yr olds alike... being mindful of the liability.

This reality we can't shake as the river is constantly reminding us of its ultimate power over us. Yesterday the Arkansas saw its first fatality. A 20 year old girl was dumped out of the lower rapids and floated a good ways before eventually landing in a strainer and losing her life. Prayers for the family and friends surrounding this girl are being sent from hundreds of angles I'm sure... I can't possibly imagine what they must be going through, not to mention the guide on the boat.

I love the mornings. It's this time when my eyes have the energy to do the things they enjoy most... things like reading, writing, and just remaining open in general. I've grown a reputation for being sort of a grandpa around these parts... apparently going to bed at 10 each night as a raft guide isn't so typical. I sometimes wonder why I get more tired than everyone else... I usually end up blaming my eyes for their poor vision, which has never led to any sort of action outside of just sleeping. I probably should get some glasses... ugh.

I figured how to send pics to my blog via email and will be doing much more of that. This morning I uploaded a picture of my car in the foreground, with the sun setting over the mountains in the background. This is my home :)

Thanks for those of you who are covering me in your prayers... they are felt in the quiet moments throughout the day which are many. It's strange thinking the summer is already 1/3 the way through... come visit and get on a raft with meee!!

Pea Soup.


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