Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Be encouraged... From Africa.

**dont have time/energy for an edit... sry for misspellings/grammar woes :/**

Jambo friends... I write this from Kitali...  Today was one of the more difficult for me... my spirit dealt with some very difficult things, the rocking from which I have faith will sink my foundation to an even greater depth, a more sturdy place for my spirit to rest with His.  Difficult nonetheless..  

We've to this point visited three orphan homes, all of which have their own unique and beautiful experience attached to them....  I want to share about today though.  

We left yesterday on a five hour journey up the Rift Valley (runs all the way to Israel.. beautiful history here) to a village inhabited by the indigenous poqout people.  I cannot possibly describe those I encountered here, on the drive to here, in all of Kitali for that matter... the poverty/oppression they wear on their sleeves (if they have any), the intensity of which rivals the poverty our culture experiences on its inside... it's not pretty.  I could tell you of their joy, their smiles, their kindness, their laughter... I could share with you of the many fruits I've picked off of these peoples low hanging branches... the diversity of flavors/colors/nutrients which exist in experiencing each one individually.  I'm tasting good things...  I'm touching tough things.  Touching people who are obviously not well.. a handshake, a hug, a warm gesture they aren't to be denied...we learn this in scripture.  I won't attempt to describe the conditions these people call home... photos later will have to tell that tale.  

Haiti prepared me well for this trip... the spirit has reached to touch some newly sensitive areas in my life this time 'round.  

I've the chance to speak with many people, men, boys, children, in these conditions about our mutual love for Jesus Christ.  Brothers who share in the vision of one day dancing in heaven together, a place described in revelation as being a new eternal home to those who "never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst.  The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.  For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water.  And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." rev.7:16

Sink in this please... but first sink into my shoes, if you can.  I have written next to that verse in my bible "i am too comfortable"... yes, it is true.  If these are who are to inhabit the kingdom one day.. gosh.. so much there.. i move on.

Arriving at the poquot village, our goal was to register a small handful of the children who were to be placed in the orphan home once it is constructed..  While pictures were being taken and names/birthdates recorded, all the while dozens of children and tribesmen/women hovered around the shaded area where we met the elders of the village... a scene I won't soon forget.

Michael Silitei... my brother.  I sat down next to this man, and to my surprise, he spoke fairly good english.  I was gifted this relationship by the spirit, because at a very tough time for me (I have become increasingly disgusted at the westernization of these places, and how it is to blame for the poverty and destruction of beautiful cultures rich in tradition and one with the earth... one of many crushed by the west, capitalism, the love of money... a whole other blog), we were able to share in these sentiments.  We sat together looking out at the valley, painting the vision of what it must have been like to be a Poquot tribesman thousands of years ago, before colonization, before money... We dreamed about heaven together, and in his broken (but well understood and felt) english, I had him read the whole of revelation 7... tears escaping all four eyes looking on, although I would imagine he felt them at a much deeper level than I can possibly imagine, being that he will truly be freed from these things in this place we read about... free from hunger, thirst, scorching sun... 

He told me how he was raised in the catholic tradition, and in school they weren't allowed to have a bible, that it was expected they would rely on the priest for scriptural guidance (I won't share how I feel about this.. here at least), and when he finally did was once he was an adult and out of the church... reading scripture on his own he found jesus.  He told me how he discovered Jesus was/is not religion... but love.  He shared with me how upon reading the story of zacchaeus, he could relate.  Raised having misunderstood the gospel, he crawled up and above the crowd of "judges" (as he called them, and while it doesn't call them that in scripture, it's the message), he could now see Jesus... and He (Jesus) came through the crowd, and called to him.  He has been healed, touched by the spirit, brought above the crowd - the law - and given freedom...  "zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he..."  bla bla bla... a catchy tune the church taught me and so many others.. the message Michael gave to me about this passage came in power, and from the spirit... I saw it in a new way, with new eyes.  He told me how he was a volunteer teacher with the children... and not once did he ask me for anything (so refreshing you don't even know), but our spirits connected and in sharing scripture together he said he was "given new courage", while I was given new hope... the body of Christ at work.  After a long while learning eachother and resting in a nest of spiritual encouragement together, we wandered into a shaded area outside of where everyone was communing to pray together...  In the middle of our praying, the children were roused by something and dozens ran by and through where we were standing yelling joyfully in a playful manner like kids do all across our beautiful earth.. it was perfect, and the prayer needed it as we were praying at that moment for 'faith like children...'  eyes closed, it was surreal to in this moment hear these children running by all around us - it seemed they didn't even know were there, but the spirit knew, and He knew we needed that.  

I could go on, go on, and go on some more... but I leave you with that... 

As my spirit processes this, that, and so many other new relationships/revelations... pray for me.. pray for them... pray to feel the power of prayer in your life, to feel how REAL it is... for faith like a mustard seed is not about how much you can do with so little, but how with faith - faith like a mustard seed - we 'know' how grand the gift is which awaits us as we exist now, a seed in soil, faithfully awaiting life which will soon spring forth up and out of the s(t)oil into an existence which cannot possibly be imagined, but with faith.  

Off to bed... on to Lodwar tomorrow... be well friends :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Next Stop, Africa

-- Africa --

March 23, 2012

So, I'm on this plane. My third plane today, fourth this week, eighth in the past three weeks...  Oh, ash wednesday :) This particular plane is something special however, as it will be landing on the continent of Africa in just under five hours. 

Somehow in my lifes journeys - both as a duckling following behind my travel hungry father, as well as on my own adventures - I've never stepped foot on this rather large chunk of land.  Africa. I wish to learn the power behind this word, this culture, its people, its pain, its depth, its beauty... I know it's there, and I can't imagine finding it will be that difficult... in fact, even just hovering over this land in a big metal tube I feel some layer of unidentifiable substance being peeled back, exposing a blended mixture of emotions for this elusive land.  It's SO BIG!  I'm a fool to think that in touching just a fragment of Kenya & Uganda that I'm experiencing, 'Africa'. I know better... Soo much to explore :)

We will be landing in Nairobi, hoping around Kenya for ten days, then off to Kampala where we will spend five days enjoying Uganda.  Our time in Kenya will be spent - for the most part - gathering information on the orphans in four of the homes Warm Blankets supports, putting the children in a newly created database which will be shared with the UN.  See, if these orphans are not registered and properly identified, they are liable to being stolen, sold, moved into different forms of slavery etc... and with no way of tracking them, they become lost. Terrible things. Happening to little children. ALL OVER the earth.  Seek justice, receive life... 

So I was just in the bathroom a minute ago, and after watching several TED talks on the perilous status of our floating rock, earth (The truth in the messages being: "The economy will fail...", "Environmental concerns are real and dangerous..."  "The earth IS full..."  "Change MUST happen..." etc..), I found myself with a smile on my face and that liquid joy rolling down my cheeks as I FELT at my core a deep appreciation for the things my Lord has brought near to my heart... the things I have become passionate about.  I looked at my life and said "if for the rest of my brief stay here on earth, I can seek justice (it comes in SO many forms..), and enjoy creation in the ways I am currently (rivers, mountains, people etc etc..)... I will never be lacking.  Joy always.  Glory to Him.  Selah :)  A warm feeling... 

I wondered too how will my fingers glide over this keyboard on my return trip... what words will drip from my heart..  Crazy.

I want to share a brief story I came across as I journey now through Judges... A story which has touched me, like if a person were to come up to you with an extremely sharp spear and prick you on your exposed chest.  I feel it... I know it's sharp... I know there is power in it.  I know too that with time, I will feel the PIERCING power of this spear living it's truth in my life... and hopefully yours too :)

Gideon. Judges 6-7

This story, I cannot do it justice in a summary, although I'll try..

Gideon was just working the winepress one day and an angel came to him (we now have the spirit which speaks to us and gives us power in this way.. thanks to Jesus :)) and said "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior."  

'Umm... okay?' -Gideon

And he doubts... so much so that three times He asks the Lord to prove his power over his life in really strange ways.. He doubts.  Wouldn't you?!  The Lord is asking him to SAVE Israel, to defeat the Midianites who have soaked them in oppression... impossible things He is asking him to do.  

So he seeks confirmation that it is the TRUE Lord guiding his steps, his words, his spear, his people...  and the Lord was patient with him, all three times He delivered what he asked (which surprised me to be honest, but made me glad that the Lord was patient with his servant of whom he asked seemingly impossible things.. so glad as I feel shades of doubt too).  

Here's the tip of that spear I was talking about... stay with me...

About to attack the Midianites, Gideon has found his power in the Lord and with troops numbering over 32,000 behind him, he is ready to do some serious battle...  But his ear and his heart, they are still faithfully in tune with the Lord's, and what does he hear?  The Lord says 'that's too many... anyone (soldiers) who tremble with fear may turn back...'  

22,000 men left.  10,000 remained.

"Still too many" - Lord.

He tells Gideon to take his 10,000 down to the water, and those who lap the water with their tongues he is to seperate from those who kneel down to drink...  those who lap the water, these are your soldiers.

300 remained.

"Umm...  Crap." - Humans
"Yeaaa... now I can show them my POOOWER" - God

Strange?  Sure...  What's the point?  Earlier when there were still 32,000, the Lord said this to Gideon... "You have too many men for me to deliver Midian into your hands.  In order that Israel may not boast against me that her own strength has saved her..." ... I will sift your troops down to an impossible 300.  "With the 300 men... I will save you" says the Lord.

Okay, so read the story (PLEASE), because obviously Gideon and the 300 go on to defeat the midianites and it's awesome (If you're a dood who loves Jesus, and you don't love the old testament, you crazy!).  

God wants to deliver us..!.. and he wants to do it in a way that only HE can receive the Glory... He will take the humble, and through impossible circumstances raise them up in their kingdom pursuits, bringing glory to His name on earth....  

I cannot express in words the depth to which this story has hit me...  

"He must become greater, I must become less." is a verse which just burst into my mind outta my heart...

It doesn't mean 'great things won't happen'... It means that in making ourselves less, we are widening the gap for Him to show up in Glory, fulfilling the impossible, making great things happen as we give the credit back to Him... as Jesus did time after time... why are we surprised he was able to do such great things??  He was the only earth walker who came down from his eternal dwelling right next to His maker in Heaven... He had faith more than ANYONE in his true citizenship... and all the glory went to His father.  

So we do the same... we learn from Gideon, we listen to the spirit, we seek impossible things which bring glory to Him...  and by sticking the nose of our compas in scripture, we trust the spirit to guide us on a true path which leads to that place in eternity which He is preparing for all who live in love with Him and with others... take me today, tomorrow, or eighty years from now.. just deliver me, and use my life (or death?) :)

So, what will this story mean to me in two weeks?  Will that tip have pierced my flesh?  

If you're reading this, you're probably familiar with my most recent journies and how the Spirit has undoubtedly hovered over it all.  This new job... I'm reminded daily of the gap I am trusting the Spirit to fill... I have faith in the impossible things becoming reality as myself and those in this ministry seek to do good for these orphan children... and now as I sift my own being down to 300 units of whatever from 32,000... I put my trust in Him, and struggle through doubt to proclaim His glory through it all, whatever may come :)  

There is power in the Word.  Life in the Spirit.  And in my own broken flesh, I will tell you that He wants to use you too in ways impossible to our understanding..  put your trust in Him... listen, and act :)

I crawl over the sleeping Kenyan next to me and look down... There she is :)  Africa :)  If you're the praying type, I would appreciate your joining me on this spiritual journey, being here with me in the spiritual realm, pleading to God on our behalf that he would give us impossible power to do impossible things :)  It's real, so very real.

Be well friends :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

The New Job.

3 . 2 . 12

"For my father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life... I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life.. I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will NEVER die. Do you believe this?" - Jesus (jn6:40/47/11:25)

Chicago went well. Extremely well. :)

Allow me to share...

Craig (president of Warm Blankets) greeted me at the airport and took me directly to HQ where we would - after meeting the handful of incredibly warm spirited, extremely driven & obviously compassionate staff members - sit down in the 'think tank', mapping out what his vision was for me within the organization.

The job will consist of me helping to develop a strategic approach and establishing a foundation of consistent donor support... going first after specific niche industries (PT clinics/real estate groups etc..), we'll give them the opportunity to come alongside an orphan home within the Warm Blankets network, giving the children consistent financial support, over time building relationships with the orphans and widows in the homes, and even getting the opportunity to visit, and feeeel the weight of the impact of their support. Mutual benefits abound.!.!. both the orphans and the groups domestically who'll be committing to support will have much to gain through this relationship, both in the spirit & worldly realms... the Lord wants to bless those who bless others. And I get to help deliver these blessings to both groups! What a blessing :) God is goooood...

So, growing these - soon to be - many new donor streams of financial support, the big picture is that Warm Blankets would realize a more stable foundation where the reliability of month-to-month support would grow from many little streams flowing into one big, deep, fast moving river of support to deliver our God's hope and love - in the form of care - to these children who have been pulled out of war torn regions of SE Asia and Africa, and giving them (orphans & widows) a family & a home above a church where the goal is to transform and give life, making disciples for the Kingdom...

It's funny.. these homes are in some real sketchy, sometimes extremely dangerous environments where I'll get to go visit... and my roommate Judd when I was telling him about the details of the job (He's SO excited for me and wants to be a part of this work somehow.. praise god :)) he at one point paused and said, "so, it's like you're a soldier for the Lord?"

YES! Exactly! :) Glory...

Mmmm.. moving on... the job would allow and encourage between 3-5 (+/-) international trips/year where I would be a part of a team leading these new donors through the Warm Blankets network, giving them the opportunity to prick their finger with the end of the spear they've grown sharp over time with their faithful support...

My first trip is on the 22nd to Kenya for ten days. :)

Working from Salida (although I'm going to CHI again monday for a week, and will probably 1-2/mo), we're going to get it done... The Lord is in this process, and good is the goal... it will be (is being!) blessed. Rafting - of which I had grown a peace in my mind about not being a part of because of pressures from the spirit to move towards this kind of work - as it turns out is probably going to be an option :) The river is life.. and these people (raft guides) are dear friends... and it appears (based on our strategic timeline at WB) that another summer on the Ark is as good a possibility as any... working out so that come August I'll enter back into more of a full time role with WB. Right now I am considered a 'consultant', but we have hopes and plan on me becoming a full-time salaried employee... Glory :)

Warm Blankets mission statement... James 1:27.

Couldn't ask for anything more :))

So much more between the lines here where the spirit has just 'shown up' and made it so obvious this is a good fit, I could write a book on it... but I won't :) just yet anyway.. ha.

Last, and certainly not least.. before I go... Thank you, thank you, THANK you for your prayers those of you who lifted me up after my last post asking for you to join me in prayer.. and thank you, THANK you to those of you who were lifting me up even before then after my second to last post on ash wednesday where so clearly the spirit wanted to move, wanted me open and acknowledging His power in new and beautiful ways.. and I did.. and you prayed on my behalf.. and He is good, he is faithful, He is 'the resurrection and the life, that he who believes in Me shall realize everlasting life... life given on earth in the form of our God's spirit, sent to comfort, and guide us through this world on our way to eternity.' :) glory.

Be well friends!

If you're interested in hearing more about the organization, check out the website or shoot me a message... would love the opportunity to share more :)