Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bathing in glorious riches not of this world...

... my cup overflows.

"I keep asking that the God of our lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for those who believe." Ephesians 1:17-21

If you pray for me, let this be your prayer. I am in a strangely wonderful spot in my faith. Lately i've been struggling to figure the next level, how i'm meant to grow in my walk. I've birthed a new passion for the word... my favorite part of the day is its beginning, waking up far too early with the crow of the million roosters outside my window, stumbling out to the patio, and entering into Him, inviting Him to join me today, every day. I pray for a spirit of wisdom and revalation, but mainly that I may know... him... better. Knowing him better has meant a melted spirit, an aching heart... a love for the things He loves, and a keen awareness of the things 'not' of Him. Most of all, giving thanks... in every and all situations! Learning this more and more as the Haitians continue worshiping in the midst of a death count pushing a half a million. Welcoming Him in to melt me, bring me to tears with His word, and His perfectly unfolding plan for my life, for each of our lives, if only we will lift our hands in surrender.. pause... and listen. I just couldnt tell you why, but this morning I lost it reading Psalm 63... "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land, where there is no water... Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as i live, and in your name I will lift up my hands." I just kept on reading this.. then psalm 62.. "find rest, o my soul, in God alone, my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, He is my fortress, I will not be shaken."

So much comfort in these words this morning...

I relate to Paul the best I think, often times feeling like the foremost of sinners. Lately I've had death on the mind... I don't fear death.. but i sure do think about it more than might be considered healthy. I've never actually seen a dead body.. but I pray now for strength when someone close to me goes home, as I think I might just lose it. I think equally about my salvation, and pray every morning that I would walk, He would steer me, towards a life worth boasting about, boasting the only way that boasting makes spiritual sense, in what He has done in my life... and that I may live in a way where I can stand confidently in front of Him, and hear those words 'well done my good and faithful servant'... entering into eternal awesomeness, where pain, suffering, sin and sorrow are just simply not welcome.

Speaking of death... we bought a brand new motorcycle the other day for $900, and have another on the way tomorrow!


I haven't gotten too excited though cause on the ride back from the shop, the rear tire got a leak and was completely flat by the time we came back outside to take it for another spin. We got it fixed for 50 gourds ($1.25) and took it out for a test ride around the block after getting it home... another flat!!

God... are you trying to say something?

I shouldn't be surprised though, as I'm sure my mom, and probably her little prayer warrior friends have been praying for anything to prevent me getting on a bike... in haiti. Ha! I must say though that while i LOVE bikes, it is definitely a love hate relationship. More often than not, whenever I ride, something on me or the bike ends up breaking. Not to mention that driving in Haiti is as fun as it is freaky! Strange how that works... Also, we don't have our helmets yet, and I haven't renewed my health insurance... Hmm...

On another note...

This sunspring project only gets better and better. Today we did our sixth and seventh install, moving like a well oiled machine, it was great! These installs today were amazing... mainly the first. We set up the system at an evangalistic school/tent city, on the inside of a 10 or so foot wall, and ran a line to the outside of the wall, the public, giving them two spickets. We finished the job, went outside and and began ourselves drinking the water, and before we could finish our drinks (no joke) there were people running up the hill with 5 gallon buckets rushing to get in the already growing line!!

I can't remember having such a full spirit... a spirit of thanksgiving for the privelidge of being a part of this... a spirit of joy, experiencing these peoples joy as they realize they now have limitless amounts of perfectly clean water. And at 5,000 gallons/day, it was unreal looking out over the shackled city below knowing ALL will have access.

Jack Barker, the founder and inventor of the Sunspring, has been living with us the past two weeks, and what a priviledge it has been. Their company is based out of Colorado, so I hope (trying to manage my expectations/excitement at the prospect) to dive deeper into a relationship with this company. This type of work - purposeful, passionate, challenging work - is what gets my juices flowing... so for now i cross my fingers, and continue to trust that He will lead, and pray that if he wants to use me, my skills, to educate people, governments, ngos, corporations, on how they can put a dent in the over 1.2 billion who do not have access to what should be a basic, unalianable right, of clean drinking water, then I will do it, and I will do it with the same joy and thanksgiving I felt today. I get goosebumps thinking of the impact this thing could have on the world.... so cool!

I should end it here... so much more to share, but I'll leave you with some pictures below of the last few days... *ok i lied.. i just tried uploading 4 and it took over 30 min and then epic fail, it crashed... so i'll figure a way to get some up tomorrow because the pictures would really illuminate the story a bit*

Know my spirit is overflowing... my heart daily being melted for the things He cares about... and as for now, I do not have access to a working motorcycle, so we can all just take a deep breath...

Love to you all!

Living deliberately,


Shoot... did I forget to mention that I tought my first english class on wednesday?! Oh man.. i'll have to tell about that later!


  1. Anonymous5.3.10

    Awesome've brought a big smile and a warm heart to me this morning as I read your post. Thanks for the sharing. It's so cool to hear about what's going on in your heart and life. And I LOVE how you're pursuing a path of purposeful work that will make such a critical difference in the lives of others. I can hear the "Well Done!" Love and Hugs, Aunt Kathy

  2. Thank you Luke for reminding us as we set in our comfortable lives what Christ wants us to be all about. Your words are God inspired.
    Love and prayers to you!
    Leslie Lillibridge

  3. Luke, my prayers continue for you as you seek to go deeper... nothing in life is much more important than that. God meets us in those moments, in our tears and our questions... ( I have much experience in that!)
    I am so excited for all you are doing... I had a great 2 hour meeting with Dave Valle the other day and he raved about you- no surprise there. He is a dear brother, and took joy in knowing how close you are to us. :) As for the motor bikes, Jake loved teasing me about his travels on them also when he was in Guatemala - it was his mode of transportation into the villages. :)
    LOVE YOU Luke! My prayers are with you on this amazing journey.
    Be still, and know that He is God...

    Loving you moment by moment, Karen

  4. Stephanie8.3.10

    Luke - great to hear what you're up to. My mom works for Lifewater - another Christian water/sanitation ministry - and while they're not in Haiti, it's good to know what an impact a ministry like that can have. Sounds like you're getting your heart in the right place before you try and DO anything for the Kingdom ... that's an important concept, because I know I've often been guilty of trying to do something to please God, instead of doing good because I know God is pleased with me through the grace of Jesus.

    On another ministry note, Mars Hill partnered with a church in Chicago to start up Churches Helping Churches in Haiti. Have you seen them around?

    Peter's looking forward to having you back up here soon. I'm thinking we'll end up trading you dinner to see some of your pictures and hear your stories. Glad you're doing well!

